On-Grid Type Solar

Let’s LEARN How to Reduce Our Electricity bill

Reinventing ZERO!

Basics First with Baby Steps!

BESCOM Solar policy Bangalore
Distributed Generation of Solar in Smart Grid

Electrical Grid

An electrical grid or electric grid is a network for delivering electricity from the place of production to the consumers.
In simple terms, Grid = Main Electricity Power Supply Line. For Example, BESCOM in Bengaluru (Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited)

“Grid” Synonyms:

  • Utility Grid
  • Power Grid
  • Electric Utility
  • DISCOM – (Electricity) DIStribution COMpany
  • Local ESCOM – Electricity Supply COMpanies
  • Public Electricity Board

In some places, the Mains Electricity supply is also provided by private organizations.

Solar panels mounted on Red Clay roof tiles
5kW On-Grid PV System by PLASMASOLAR in Bengaluru

Solar Photovoltaic (PV) System

PhotoVoltaic (PV), where “Photo” means “Light” and “Volt” refers to “Electricity”. PV system is a solar power generating unit that converts Sunlight into Electricity with the help of Solar Panels.

The Solar Panel modules are made up of solar cells (photovoltaic cell) that generate power. A solar cell is an electrical device that converts light energy into electricity by the photovoltaic effect.

“Solar Panel” Synonyms:

  • Solar module
  • PV module
  • Solar plate
  • Photo-voltaic panel
Grid connected solar system
Solar Panels interacting with the Grid

On-Grid Solar PV System

“On-Grid” refers to the roof-top PV system having a connection to the Mains of the Utility-Grid.

An On-Grid Solar PV system is an electric power production plant interacting with the Power Grid. It can be installed at a shade-free area on the terrace of a building or it can be ground-mounted on empty barren land.

“On-Grid” Synonyms:

  • Grid-Tied
  • Grid-Interactive
  • Grid-Connected

Who should opt for On-Grid Solar System?

Power Outage symbol

Less Power cuts

Areas with low power blackouts like metropolitan cities or EEZ industries

Power Outage symbol

Skyrocketing Power bill

If your Electricity consumption is Very high with inflated utility bills

Power Outage symbol

High Operational costs

Enterprises or Businesses looking to reduce the cost of running

Power Outage symbol

Safe Investment

Anyone looking for long term investment with assured returns

Power Outage symbol

Addition Income

Earn passive income by selling excess generated Solar Units (kWh)

Power Outage symbol

Thinking Green

Anyone having a shadow-free roof area and is Eco-Sensitive


Decrease electricity bill symbol

Experiencing Zero

Reduce monthly Electricity bills to Zero.
Protect against future electricity price hikes,

minimum maintenance of solar

Fit and Forget system

Minimum Maintenance with nearly Zero Recurring Cost.
Solar panels act as an umbrella to lower the building temperature & keep the environment cool.

RMS technology Solar mobile app
IoT-driven RMS Tech. Mobile App Monitoring
earn money by selling solar

Earn Money

Low-Cost Investment & quick payback period.
Export excess solar power generated back to the utility grid to earn passive income.

National Solar Mission India

Tax Benefits

Accelerated Depreciation Tax Relief for Industries.
Supportive & proactive Government Policy for Renewable Green Energy Sector.

An Ecological Investment

We need to look beyond the Economics

So, What are the Alternatives?

Solar Inverter Battery for house
UPS with Battery

Home UPS Inverter

Many residential houses & offices have a UPS Inverter system with a battery that can provide back-up during ESCOM grid failure when their On-Grid solar station stops generating electric power.

Solar DG Synchronization
DG Genset

DG PV Synchronization

Apartments and Factories use DG Set during electricity blackouts. Diesel Generator Synchronization with an On-Grid Solar plant provides a reference voltage similar to the Utility-Grid, & kick-starts the solar power generation even during power-cuts.

70kW Solar PV for ICICI Bank
PLASMASOLAR installation for ICICI Bank

Alternative Solar Solutions

If the On-Grid Solar PV System doesn’t seem like a suitable solution for your situation, then you can opt for the following,
Off-Grid Solar PV System
Hybrid Solar PV System

How does the Grid-Connected system work?

On Grid Interactive Solar
09:00 AM to 03:00 PM Solar Peak Production

Scenario 1: Day-Time

The solar energy produced is utilized by the consumer to satisfy all their internal electrical needs and any excess generated solar units (Kilowatt-hour) is exported and sold to the Utility Grid through a Bi-Directional Energy Meter interface.

The import and export of electricity through a bi-directional meter is the currently available mechanism under the Net-metering Solar Policy of the Government. This system is set to be replaced by the Gross Metering mechanism soon.

“Bi-directional meter” Synonyms:

  • Net metering
  • Import-Export Energy Meter

Scenario 2: Cloudy Days

During rainy days and the winter season when the Insolation from the sun is low and solar electricity generation is reduced, the shortfall in energy production is fulfilled from the Public Utility Grid. Overall, the solar plate and the power-grid together fulfil the electrical load demands of the consumer. The entire process of switching between the solar panel electricity and the grid electricity is smooth and is automatically done by the solar inverter or the Power Conditioning Unit.

Despite being the land of the monsoons, Solar Power Production in India has a very high potential and is actively supported by the Government. Rooftop solar is very popular and widely adopted in Bangalore, Karnataka. Solar Distributed Generation or on-site generation (OSG) is not a thing of the future but of the present and is being implemented across India. The interactive Smart Grid future is here and NOW.

Scenario 3: Night-Time

During the night when the sunlight is unavailable, the electrical load requirements are met by the DISCOM Grid by importing electricity. The Net-Metering system facilitates the import-export mechanism of this Smart Grid Technology. Solar panel plates are completely inactive during the night and the power supply reliability is entirely dependent on the local ESCOM.

We can also understand the On-Grid system from a slightly different perspective. The extra solar energy produced during the day-time is stored in the grid which shall be used up during the night. In other words, the Utility-Grid acts as a battery bank in a Grid-Tied Solar PV system.